Friday, October 15, 2010

Work in Progress.

I know that there is some debate in the sewing blog word about posting works in progresses. I think that it is a very insightful way of showing readers the processes that you take to get to the finished garment.

But so because I don't want to continue the debate here is a sneak peak at what I have been working on:

It's lace and it's bias binding, in short it is a pain in the neck to put together. But I am managing. I shall have to post more pictures tomorrow when it isn't so dark and wet.

Have a good Friday night everyone.


  1. Goodness me - who cares either way - if you want to show a piece being made as you go along - just do it - me personally (from one who cannot sew) would find it interesting and helpful to see the project in stages. I don't know where the rules come from but just BREAK THEM and do what you feel is right for you.

    Cheers, Wendy
